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ETC Core Devs Call 15: ECIP-1049 Keccak Breakout Session
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ETC Core Devs Call 15 - ECIP-1049 Keccak Breakout Session
- When: Friday, October 2nd, 2020, 4pm UTC, 120 minutes max.
- Where: Discord
- Focus: SHA3-256/Keccak256 Mining Algorithm Change Opposition Formal Conversation
- Review opposition comments.
- Give the authors a chance to discuss the opposition concerns on voice recording.
- Goal: Work at finding consensus as suggested by the ECIP process.
Please review the issue thread to find the most up to date information.
Recording of Core Devs Call 15
- At this moment, Consensus did not appear to be present for ECIP-1049 due to many unanswered questions.
- Recommendation from the collective call was to keep ECIP-1049 in
Last Call
, while the network analyzes the impacts of otherAccepted
proposals like ECIP-1099 and MESS. - It was recommended the ECIP-1049 authors work to clarify the proposal's specs/motives to draft a more solidified version of the proposal before being considered for
Please direct future commentary to the ECIP 1049 discussion thread: